All KPRL Employees, Service Providers and Business Partners
The core values of honesty, integrity, and respect for people, underpin all that we do and are the foundation of our Business Principles.
The Business Principles apply to all transactions, large or small, and drive the behaviour expected of every employee in the conduct of our business at all times.
KPRL will be judged by how we act and our reputation will be upheld if we act in accordance with the law and these Business Principles.
It is the responsibility of Management to lead by example and to ensure that all employees are aware of these principles.
All our employees are required to demonstrate honesty, integrity, respect for people, teamwork, and accountability. These customs and practices will enable each one of us to contribute to the overall success of KPRL.
We encourage our business partners, too, to live by these or equivalent principles. Any employee or business partner noticing instances of noncompliance is strongly requested to report any such Incident to the Ag. Chief Executive Officer, Management or any arm of Government. Any information received in this regard will be held in strict confidence to protect the identity of the individual reporting.
Joseph B. Ndoti
Ag. Chief Executive Officer
July, 2021
KPRL employees share a set of core values – honesty, integrity, and respect for people. We also firmly believe in the fundamental importance of trust, openness, teamwork and professionalism, and pride in all that we do.
As part of the Business Principles, we commit to contribute to sustainable development. This requires balancing short and long-term interests, integrating economic, environmental, and social considerations Into business decision making.
In KPRL we recognize five stakeholder groups to whom we have a prime responsibility to. It is the duty of Management to continuously assess the priorities and discharge these inseparable responsibilities as listed below:
a. Shareholders
We will protect the interests and investments of all Shareholders and provide them with an acceptable return on this investment.
b. Customers
We will fulfill the contractual arrangements with Refinery Users.
We will invest in production facilities and services that win and maintain customers by offering products and services which offer value in terms of price, quality, environmental impact, and sustainable development.
c. Employees
We will respect the human rights of our employees and provide them with good and safe working conditions, and competitive terms and conditions of employment. We will promote the development and best use of the talents of our employees; to create an inclusive work environment where every employee has an equal opportunity to develop his or her skills and talents.
We encourage the involvement of employees in the planning and direction of their work; to provide them with channels to report concerns.
We recognize that commercial success depends on the full commitment and contribution of all employees.
d. Service Providers
We seek mutually beneficial relationships with all service providers, and we promote the application of these General Business Principles or equivalent principles in such relationships. The ability to promote these principles effectively will be an important factor in the decision to enter into or remain in such relationships.
e. Society
We shall conduct business as responsible corporate members of society, and we shall comply with applicable laws and regulations, support fundamental human rights in line with the legitimate role of business, and give proper regard to health, safety, security, and the environment.
In KPRL we recognize eight Business Principles which stand out as pillars and provide the framework that governs how our business and affairs are conducted. These principles are:
a. Economic Principle
Long-term value creation is essential to achieving our business goals and to our continued growth. It is a measure both of efficiency and of the value that customers will place on KPRL products and services. Without profits and a strong financial foundation, it would not be possible to fulfill our other responsibilities.
Criteria for investment and divestment decisions include sustainable development considerations, economic, social, environmental, and an appraisal of the risks of the Investment.
b. Competition Principle
We will seek to compete ethically and within the framework of all applicable laws.
c. Business Integrity Principle
KPRL insists on honesty, integrity, and fairness in all aspects of our business and expects the same in our relationships with all those with whom we do business.
The direct or indirect offer, payment, soliciting, or acceptance of bribes in any form is unacceptable. Facilitation payments are also bribes and are therefore not acceptable.
Employees must avoid conflicts of Interest between their private activities and their part in the conduct of company business. Employees must declare to KPRL potential conflicts of interest.
All business transactions on behalf of KPRL must be reflected accurately and fairly in the accounts of the company in accordance with established procedures and are subject to audit and disclosure.
d. Political Activity Principle
KPRL does not make payments to political parties, organizations, or their representatives or take any part in party politics. Where an employee wishes to engage in active politics they will be required to leave employment with KPRL.
Whilst KPRL does not involve itself in political issues, the company will however make representations where appropriate on matters that affect Shareholders, employees, Refinery Users, and the Community.
e. Health, Safety, Security and the Environment Principle
KPRL has a systematic approach to health, safety, and security management in order to eliminate work-related Injuries or harmful effects to own staff, contractors, and members of the public. KPRL also has a systematic approach to environmental management in order to avoid any damaging effect on the environment and thus promote sustainable development.
To this end, KPRL shall manage these matters as critical business activities, set standards and targets for improvement, and measure, appraise and report performance internally and externally.
f. Local Community Principle
KPRL aims to be a good neighbour by continuously improving the ways in which we contribute directly or indirectly to the general wellbeing of the community within which we work.
We will manage the social impacts of our business activities carefully and work with others to enhance the benefits to local communities, and to mitigate any negative impacts from our activities.
In addition, KPRL takes a constructive Interest In societal matters, directly or indirectly related to our business.
g. Communication and Engagement Principle
We recognize that regular dialogue and engagement with our stakeholders is essential. We are committed to reporting our performance by providing full relevant information to the Government and other legitimately interested parties, subject to any overriding considerations of business confidentiality. In our Interactions with employees, business partners, and local communities, we seek to listen and respond to them honestly and responsibly.
h. Compliance Principle
KPRL will comply with all laws and regulations that are in force in Kenya.